Open .json File

  1. Open .json Files Windows 10
  2. Open .json Files

But if you want to open JSON bookmark backup files, you can use the Import and Backup feature in Mozilla Firefox. What to Do If You Can’t Open a JSON File? There are many reasons why you can’t open a JSON file on your computer. In most cases, the issue could be that you are not using the right program to open a JSON file. Download open json files for free. Development Tools downloads - Free JSON Editor by and many more programs are available for instant and free download.

JSON is a data format that is common in configuration files like package.json or project.json. We also use it extensively in Visual Studio Code for our configuration files. When opening a file that ends with .json, VS Code provides features to make it simpler to write or modify the file's content.

IntelliSense and validation

For properties and values, both for JSON data with or without a schema, we offer up suggestions as you type with IntelliSense. You can also manually see suggestions with the Trigger Suggestions command (⌃Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space)). We also perform structural and value verification based on an associated JSON schema giving you red squiggles.

Open .json Files Windows 10

Package and project dependencies

We also offer IntelliSense for specific value sets such as package and project dependencies in package.json, project.json, and bower.json.

Quick navigation

JSON files can get large and we support quick navigation to properties using the Go to Symbol command (⇧⌘O (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+O)).


When you hover over properties and values for JSON data with or without schema, we will provide additional context.


Open .json FileHow to download a json file

You can format your JSON document using ⇧⌥F (Windows Shift+Alt+F, Linux Ctrl+Shift+I) or Format Document from the context menu.


You can fold regions of source code using the folding icons on the gutter between line numbers and line start. Folding regions are available for all object and array elements.

JSON with Comments

In addition to the default JSON mode following the JSON specification, VS Code also has a JSON with Comments (jsonc) mode. This mode is used for the VS Code configuration files such as settings.json, tasks.json, or launch.json. When in the JSON with Comments mode, you can use single line (//) as well as block comments (/* */) as used in JavaScript. The current editor mode is indicated in the editor's Status Bar. Click on the mode indicator to change the mode and to configure how file names and extensions are associated to modes.

JSON schemas and settings

To understand the structure of JSON files, we use JSON schemas. JSON schemas describe the shape of the JSON file, as well as value sets, default values, and descriptions. The JSON support shipped with VS Code supports JSON Schema Draft 7.

Servers like JSON Schema Store provide schemas for most of the common JSON-based configuration files. However, schemas can also be defined in a file in the VS Code workspace, as well as the VS Code settings files.

The association of a JSON file to a schema can be done either in the JSON file itself using the $schema attribute, or in the User or Workspace settings (File > Preferences > Settings) under the property json.schemas.

VS Code extensions can also define schemas and schema mapping. That's why VS Code already knows about the schema of some well-known JSON files such as package.json, bower.json, and tsconfig.json.

Mapping in the JSON

In the following example, the JSON file specifies that its contents follow the CoffeeLint schema.

Note that this syntax is VS Code-specific and not part of the JSON Schema specification. Adding the $schema key changes the JSON itself, which systems consuming the JSON might not expect, for example, schema validation might fail. If this is the case, you can use one of the other mapping methods.

Mapping in the User Settings

The following excerpt from User Settings shows how .babelrc files are mapped to the babelrc schema located on

Tip: In addition to defining a schema for .babelrc, also make sure that .babelrc is associated to the JSON language mode. This is also done in the settings using the files.association array setting.

Mapping to a schema in the workspace

To map a schema that is located in the workspace, use a relative path. In this example, a file in the workspace root called myschema.json will be used as the schema for all files ending with .foo.json.

Mapping to a schema defined in settings

To map a schema that is defined in the User or Workspace settings, use the schema property. In this example, a schema is defined that will be used for all files named .myconfig.

Mapping a schema in an extension

Schemas and schema associations can also be defined by an extension. Check out the jsonValidation contribution point.

Open json file

File match syntax

The file match syntax supports the '*' wildcard. Also, you can define exclusion patterns, starting with '!'. For an association to match, at least one pattern needs to match and the last matching pattern must not be an exclusion pattern.

Define snippets in JSON schemas

JSON schemas describe the shape of the JSON file, as well as value sets and default values, which are used by the JSON language support to provide completion proposals. If you are a schema author and want to provide even more customized completion proposals, you can also specify snippets in the schema.

The following example shows a schema for a key binding settings file defining a snippet:

This is an example in a JSON schema:

Use the property defaultSnippets to specify any number of snippets for the given JSON object.

  • label and description will be shown in the completion selection dialog. If no label is provided, a stringified object representation of the snippet will be shown as label instead.
  • body is the JSON object that is stringified and inserted when the completion is selected by the user. Snippet syntax can be used inside strings literals to define tabstops, placeholders, and variables. If a string starts with ^, the string content will be inserted as-is, not stringified. You can use this to specify snippets for numbers and booleans.

Note that defaultSnippets is not part of the JSON schema specification but a VS Code-specific schema extension.

Offline mode

json.schemaDownload.enable controls whether the JSON extension fetches JSON schemas from http and https.

A warning triangle will show in the status bar when the current editor would like to use schemas that can not be downloaded.

Useful and simple tool for JSON parsing and display.

Node Properties

Online Json Viewer

What is JSON?

JSON, also known as Java Script Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses readable text to communicate data objects consisting of attribute value pairs. It is a light weighted interchange format that is easier for humans to read and write and for machines to understand and generate. It is one of the common data formats that is used for asynchronous browser or server communication that replaces the XML. Many applications and online converters are found that helps in reading JSON files.

Purpose of Online JSON Viewer

Most of the data is now sent over via JSON that is an alternative to the XML format. JSON format is great but how do you read such files is the question that arises. The structure and spacing in XML is easier to decode but if you are using JSON and quickly want some data then you should use a JSON Viewer. For such purposes, luckily, there are various free online JSON Viewers found on the internet where you can paste the JSON code and visualize the data.

JSON Format

JSON Format is a text format based on JavaScript syntax and used to declare object data. JSON format is more convenient and easier for complex data serialization than XML format. If JSON viewer is not able to analyze JSON text that is provided by the user then a warning is shown and no visualization is done.

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Online JSON Viewer

While working with JSON, you may often need an Online JSON Viewer. Online JSON Viewer is a convenient online tool that evaluates decoded characters. Other than that it also uploads web pictures if the links are in text fields which is a unique feature among various other JSON Viewers. It also has a feature to strip the white blank spaces and format JSON variable.

Online JSON Viewer is a user friendly application whose main task is to provide simple method of viewing the contents and data of JSON files.

Open .json Files

The Online JSON Viewer is one of the powerful JSON Viewers that allows you to paste the JSON in the text space area and then look at the tree structure in the viewer tab. The online JSON Viewer does allow you to expand the whole tree at one time and the text area has options like loading JSON data via URL and remove white space. Using the Online JSON Viewer, you can also easily convert your JSON Data to XML format by using the tab that says “JSON ->XML”. Online JSON Viewer is a simple ready to use application that doesn’t require any advanced computer know-how.

The above information sums up the functionality of Online JSON Viewer. Overall, one can conclude that an Online JSON Viewer is not a complex application. It carries out its purpose with a minimal impact on system resources. It is recommended to all the users to try the Online JSON Viewer if they are looking for a JSON Reader as it is simple and easy to use.

Additional features and topics


Tree View

Convenient and Easy to read JSON in tree mode

Open .json file online

JSON Checker

We validate JSON format for you

XML output

Convert into XML with one click