Deal And Kennedy Corporate Culture Pdf

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What are Culture Types? Description

See full list on Respect for the impact of corporate culture was echoed by Deal and Kennedy (1982) who declared, 'Strong culture has almost always been the driving force behind continuing success in American business' (p. Kilmann (1985) concurred that corporate culture was becoming recognized as more powerful in American business than any one person, strategy.

Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy were among the first to write about corporate culture. In their 1982 book Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, they define organizational culture as the way things get done around here.

Deal and Kennedy argue corporate culture is based on an interlocking of six elements: history, values and beliefs, rituals and ceremonies, stories, heroic figures and the informal cultural network of storytellers, gossipers, whisperers, spies and priests. Their Culture Types model distinguishes four corporate culture types, based on two elements:

  • Feedback Speed: How quickly are feedback and rewards provided (through which the people are told they are doing a good or a bad job).
  • Degree of Risk: The level of risk taking (degree of uncertainty).

The combination of these two elements results in four types of corporate cultures:

  1. Tough-Guy Macho Culture (Fast feedback and reward, high risk):
    • Stress results from the high risk and the high potential decrease or increase of the reward.
    • Focus on now, individualism prevails over teamwork.
    • Typical examples: advertising, brokerage, sports.
  2. Work-Hard, Play-Hard Culture (Fast feedback and reward, low risk):
    • Stress results from quantity of work rather than uncertainty.
    • Focus on high-speed action, high levels of energy.
    • Typical examples: sales, restaurants, software companies.
  3. Process Culture (Slow feedback and reward, low risk):
    • Stress is generally low, but may come from internal politics and stupidity of the system.
    • Focus on details and process excellence.
    • Typical examples: bureaucracies, banks, insurance companies, public services.
  4. Bet-Your-Company Culture (Slow feedback and reward, high risk):
    • Stress results from high risk and delay before knowing if actions have paid off.
    • Focus on long-term, preparation and planning.
    • Typical examples: pharmaceutical companies, aircraft manufacturers, oil prospecting companies.

Book: Terrence E. Deal, Allan A. Kennedy - Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life (1982) -

Book: Terrence E. Deal, Allan A. Kennedy - The New Corporate Cultures (2000) -

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Forum about Corporate Culture.

🔥 NEWBuilding Blocks of Organizational Culture: The Six Components of Corporate Culture (Coleman)
Culture, unlike its short and easy definition – the way we do things here – isn't as easy a concept to get the h (...)
8 reactions
Perfect Definition of Corporate Culture (Uttal, 1983)
In an article in Fortune magazine (Oct. 17, 1983 - pp. 66-72), writer Bro Uttal defined 'corporate culture' as follows: (...)
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Creating an Innovative Organizational Culture
Innovative cultures are greatly valued because they are not only good for a company's bottom line, but also largely depi (...)
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12 Culture Factors of Drennan?
Has anyone heard of Drennan and his 12 factors in which you can recognize a corporate culture? He is the one who said cu (...)
3 reactions
Culture of Accountability
Any experience with a Culture of Accountability? There are different books and suppliers of the concept, workshops and (...)
9 reactions
Best Practices

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How to Deal with a Culture of Gossip and Backbiting?
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Innovation in a Target / Performance Culture
Many organizations today have a 'target culture', which is characterized by strong , performance monitoring, individual (...)
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Another Culture Type: the Yes Culture
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Do Competitive Work Cultures Lead to Better Performance?
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The Effects of Leadership on Organizational Culture
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Culture Types Useful Model
This model on culture types makes it easy to understand why certain results can be attained, particularly when efforts a (...)
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High Performance Work Culture
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Connecting Culture and the Dominant Strategy
The flaw in the Deal and Kennedy model is that it does not connect culture to the strategies being implemented by the or (...)
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International Culture Types
I think that the four culture types model has now become too limited. Not many of the types work well for third-world co (...)
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Expert Tips

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An interesting article in the issue of Fortune (Sept. 5, 2005, no. 15) explains how Jong-Yong Yun, CEO of Samsung, is re (...)

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Corporate culture
Information Sources

Various sources of information regarding Corporate Culture. Here you will find powerpoints, videos, news, etc. to use in your own lectures and workshops.

Management Across Cultures: Managing in a Global Context

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This presentation consist of six sections that together form an extensive description of management across cultures. The (...)

Role of Corporate Culture

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What is Corporate Culture

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Innovation Culture: Reducing Fear in Organizations

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This presentation elaborate son the issue of fear in organizations, particularly on the process of reducing fear so as t (...)

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A detailed presentation, explaining Organizational Culture and Critical Culture. A description of Organizational Cultu (...)

Meeting Culture

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Macho Culture

Funny Picture
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Culture, Cultural Competence, Cultural Intelligence and the CQ

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This presentation is a good introduction to culture and contains three large sections: Culture, Cultural Competenence an (...)

Introduction to Organizational Culture

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Funny Org Chart Picture

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Culture Types Diagram

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Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in (...)

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Deal And Kennedy Corporate Culture Pdf Examples

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